GRAND PRIX OF ART competition of Plein Air painting.

Various locations throughout Steveston Village, Richmond
British Columbia, V7E 3J1




Event Dates

Daily from September 20, 2014 to September 28, 2014




The painting event of the year! Artists are invited to participate in a competition of Plein Air painting. Artists will be randomly allocated a location, where they will have three hours to complete a work of art. The works will be adjudicated, with over $2000 in prizes. Young artists are also invited to participate, with dedicated awards for youth as well as numerous participation awards. Visitors are invited to come down to enjoy the atmosphere, live music, & watch the competition unfold as artists battle for the conveted Grand Prix Championship. Visitors will also be able to vote for a "People's Choice" award & take in the display of the painting which will hang at Britannia Heritage Shipyards through the week